Marketing Automation

What's Wrong with That Website?

Is your website a catalyst for communication? A conversation-starter? An engagement engine for your business? Or is it simply a presentation of your business's qualifications, expertise,and knowledge. There's something fundamentally wrong with most websites, and we're drilling into that today. Read on...

Can You Email Your Way Out of a Sales Slump?

The temptation to send emails to the entire list with special deals, sale prices, or incentive gifts is a temptation that must be resisted. There's a better way to get out of a sales slump, and there's a better way to smooth out sales slumps so they aren't so "slumpy." Read on... I'll explain.

New Lead - Yeah! Now What?

Getting a new lead is cause for celebration. Maybe this person will become a customer! Yes! Or... maybe they won't. What do you do with new leads? How do you treat them? How do you ENGAGE them? What is your best next step? Keep reading, and let me give you some ideas.

If Content is King, What's the Strategy?

Why is content so important? "I've got a Contact Us button on every page of my website, and that's all I need, right?" Nope. "I've got a blog with a Subscribe button on it. That's enough, right?" Nope, again. What's in that blog? What content is on your website? How are you engaging the people you want as your customers - before they are ready to buy? Here are four big tips about content. Keep reading.

Complacency is the Enemy of Success

Success today doesn't mean success tomorrow. You've heard the definition of insanity before (doing the same thing we've always done and expecting different results), and it's true. It's all more than that. Doing the same thing we've always done and expecting it to always work is equally unrealistic, given the pace of change and access to information we have today. 

Get the Full Benefits of Your Marketing Automation

One common misconception about marketing automation is that it’s basically a life-support system for scheduling and sending emails. We’ve been told that humans only use 10% of their brains, right? Similarly, most marketers only use 10% of their marketing automation capabilities. It’s actually mind-blowing how many ways marketing automation can be applied to your business.

Marketing Automation and Content – The Perfect Match for Business Growth

Are you using marketing automation software to maximize your content’s ROI? If not, what’s the holdup? Companies using marketing automation have 53% higher conversion rates than companies that do not. Marketing automation conversions are flying high for a reason. 

Handy Tools for Marketers

We run into this stuff all the time, so we have compiled a list of marketing tools that we thought might save you money and time in your efforts. Please check out this list, and let us know if you have any tools that you like.

5 Keys to Drive Your Online Marketing in 2014

Map Out Your Marketing PlanNow that 2014 has arrived, so have all the year-end lists that discuss “best of 2013” alongside predicting for next year.  With so many lists out there analyzing industry secrets and ‘must know’ marketing tips, we have sifted through more than 20 lists and simplified the findings into the 5 most commonly discussed themes.  While there are many ways to improve your marketing not mentioned in this article, these are a few that many experts are specifically highlighting.  Take a look!

Top 4 Online Marketing Trends for 2012

With so much information and data in the world today, it can be difficult deciding what to focus on when it comes to your online marketing strategy. We chose 4 trends in online marketing that we think are the most important to focus on in 2012.


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