Marketing Your Business

Factors to Ensure Email Open Success

Stay Out of SPAM Email ThumnailThis blog post discusses the factors that most effect your marketing email success.  Learn more about the factors you can control to improve your email marketing including subject line messaging, subject line characters and strucutre,along with images and attachments.

5 Keys to Drive Your Online Marketing in 2014

Map Out Your Marketing PlanNow that 2014 has arrived, so have all the year-end lists that discuss “best of 2013” alongside predicting for next year.  With so many lists out there analyzing industry secrets and ‘must know’ marketing tips, we have sifted through more than 20 lists and simplified the findings into the 5 most commonly discussed themes.  While there are many ways to improve your marketing not mentioned in this article, these are a few that many experts are specifically highlighting.  Take a look!

Research Shows Your 'Batch-and-Blast' Email Marketing Is NOT Effective

batch and blast email is not working 150While email campaigns are one of the most effective means of connecting with your audience, the techniques and best practices associated with email marketing are quickly advancing.  Developing campaigns based on targeted messages that produce measurable results is important for your future success.

A Lack of Online Marketing Education Hinders Results

Demand-Generation-Curriculum-GenooAs the marketing landscape evolves, the majority of marketers have not had formal training in digital marketing. A new demand generation certification offering is now available to meet this demand.

How Big Should Your Marketing Budget Be?

There's no easy answer for how big a marketing budget should be. However, that doesn't mean that it should be an arbitrary decision. Read our blog post on the topic of how to determine the best way to decide on your yearly marketing spend. 

Marketers’ Big Dilemma in 2013: Content

The majority of marketers will be increasing their spend on content marketing in 2013.  Content is not just important, and it's not just king.  Content is Essential in 2013.  You need it for every aspect of online marketing.

Facebook Timeline For Brands

It used to be that Facebook's timeline feature was only available for personal accounts. Not so anymore! Timeline is now available for brands and is a great way to build brand awareness with your cover photo, ability to distinguish wall posts from one another, and enhanced editing features.

Genoo is on Google+! Should You Be, Too?

With so many social media platforms in the digital space, you might be thinking that adding another to the mix is unnecessary. But before you dismiss Google+, you may want to discover how it could benefit your business.


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