If Content is King, What's the Strategy?
Why is content so important? "I've got a Contact Us button on every page of my website, and that's all I need, right?" Nope. "I've got a blog with a Subscribe button on it. That's enough, right?" Nope, again. What's in that blog? What content is on your website? How are you engaging the people you want as your customers - before they are ready to buy? Here are four big tips about content. Keep reading.
Getting Off the Time-for-Money Treadmill
If you're a consultant, a coach, a software company, or offering professional services, you could potentially benefit from hearing the path we've started down to add more value for our customers. I don't often share stores about how we do things inside Genoo, but this particular story could inspire you. Read on, or watch.
Complacency is the Enemy of Success
Success today doesn't mean success tomorrow. You've heard the definition of insanity before (doing the same thing we've always done and expecting different results), and it's true. It's all more than that. Doing the same thing we've always done and expecting it to always work is equally unrealistic, given the pace of change and access to information we have today.
Get the Full Benefits of Your Marketing Automation
One common misconception about marketing automation is that it’s basically a life-support system for scheduling and sending emails. We’ve been told that humans only use 10% of their brains, right? Similarly, most marketers only use 10% of their marketing automation capabilities. It’s actually mind-blowing how many ways marketing automation can be applied to your business.
The Real Disconnect Between Sales & Marketing
For years now, there has been much discussion about recognizing and overcoming the disconnect between Sales and Marketing.
Embed Your Videos in Blog Post (and Don't Lose to the Cats)
If you have videos, you probably have a YouTube channel, and, following the path of least resistance (it's okay; we all do - until we know better), when you publish a new video, you're most likely linking straight to YouTube. Here's the thing: DON'T. Please don't. Read on to find out why...
Distribute Content and Generate Leads
The idea of creating content and then re-purposing that content is not a new one, yet every time we talk about it, I have the feeling that people just think we're talking about more work with few rewards. Yes, it is extra work, but, oh my, the rewards can be overwhelming. Let me explain...
Handy Tools for Marketers
We run into this stuff all the time, so we have compiled a list of marketing tools that we thought might save you money and time in your efforts. Please check out this list, and let us know if you have any tools that you like.
Why You Need a Strong Marketing Persona to Succeed
Every successful marketing campaign starts with knowing your audience. You cannot craft a marketing project that reaches out to your chosen demographic and draws them in to your product or service without understanding who they are and why they buy. By creating a marketing persona you visualize the customer in a credible way and begin to understand not just who they are and why they buy, but also their pain points and, more importantly, how to relieve them. Find out how to increase sales by finding the right buyer.
Q&A: Online Marketing That Grows Your CE Business (Tips, Tricks, and Strategies)
CE Organizations must grow their registrations. But the effectiveness of email marketing with broad one-size-fits-all emails isn't getting the results it once did. Watch the wbinar and browse through the Q&A that couldn't get completed during the live webinar.

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