Landing Page Optimization - The Definitive Guide
In this conversation, Kim Albee of Genoo and Tim Ash author of "Landing Page Optimization - The Definitive Guide to Testing and Tuning for Conversion", discuss how even SMB marketers and business owners working within budgetary constraints can dramatically improve the conversion rates on their sites by applying simple and effective principles across their pages.
Leveraging Emotions For Business Success
This interview with author Dan Hill, explores the importance of emotions in decision-making and how to leverage emotions for business success. Learn how to use emotions in your marketing efforts.
Using Primal Factors To Engage Your Leads
Creating content that consistently delivers can be a daunting task. Learn how to revolutionize your content marketing strategy by understanding why people are attracted to certain things and not others. Genoo's Kim Albee talks with Vicki Kunkel, author of "The 8 Primal Factors That Create Blockbuster Success."
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips and Tactics
If you want to succeed with your SEO efforts you will need more than a basic understanding of search engine optimization. Learn how small and midsized businesses can wrap their arms around it all, knock out actions plans, and move forward with their own SEO.
Genoo interviews Steve Wiideman, an SEO expert, who gives us some easy to understand information that lets you get your arms around search engine optimization.
What Do You Stand For? Finding Your Content Voice.
Learn how to build a content strategy that delivers results. That includes finding your "authentic" voice and tone for your marketing content.
Kim Albee and Joe Pulizzi have a fun conversation that can help you nail a content strategy.
How To Map Content To The Buying Process
Genoo's President Kim Albee interviews author Ardath Albee, author of eMarketing Strategies For The Complex Sale. If you have a considered sales process, you want to listen to this interview. Explore how to develop a content strategy on a tight budget. Understanding our target audience and their buying process allows us to map specific types of content into our marketing efforts.
How can a blog or microsite help your marketing efforts?
What is the best way for you to promote content with your target segment - is it a blog or a microsite? Learn how they are different from one another and how to use them to help you generate more leads and build relationships.
In this interview with Ardath Albee, author of eMarketing Strategies For The Complex Sale, we explore how to get your content in front of your target audience.
Don't Forget To Listen!
Do you know how to properly listen to what your prospects are saying? Learn how to listen to improve the relevancy of your content. Better listening skills can help make creating content easier. With all the talk about content and getting it in front of your target audience, many times we fail to listen to what our leads are telling us with their actions, and then incorporate that into our content strategy and lead nurturing efforts. In this interview, we explore how to utilize social networking and other sites so you can get inside your target audience' head, and understand what content will hit the mark best.
Bridging the Gap with Social Media Marketing
Explore how to effectively use Social Media Marketing to create more leads and to engage your leads. Social Media can not be ignored. This interview explores how you can start out with social media, and begin to use it in your marketing strategy.
Kim Albee and Bernie Borges, author of "Marketing 2.0 Bridging the Gap in Social Media Marketing" discuss the benefits and pitfalls of participating in the social sphere.

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