Research Shows Your 'Batch-and-Blast' Email Marketing Is NOT Effective

batch and blast email is not working 150While email campaigns are one of the most effective means of connecting with your audience, the techniques and best practices associated with email marketing are quickly advancing.  Developing campaigns based on targeted messages that produce measurable results is important for your future success.

A Lack of Online Marketing Education Hinders Results

Demand-Generation-Curriculum-GenooAs the marketing landscape evolves, the majority of marketers have not had formal training in digital marketing. A new demand generation certification offering is now available to meet this demand.

Google Plus Authorship Impact SEO Rankings

Google Plus authorship influences search engine optimizationRecent research shows that having Google Plus Authorship set up and using it can impact search results in a big way.  If you don't have Google+ Authorship ... then get it set up for anyone posting articles to your blog, and build the authorship reputation.

What device accounts for most email opens?

From an email perspective, mobile cannot be denied.  More and more people are opening and engaging with email from their mobile devices.  A recent article in Direct Marketing News reveals results of a study that shows in the mobile realm, iPhone accounts for 38% of email opens, while Android, with a far larger user base, only accounts for 9.3% of opens.  What does this mean for the way we design emails?

Does Responsive Email Really Work?

Responsive Design weaves the marketing and customer experience together. So that is why we tested responsive email design and researched how it works (and doesn't) across email clients. Find out what we learned!  Create better campaigns when you understand the facts around responsive email.

Turn Google Into Your Course Catalog

With the right mindset for designing and marketing a continuing education website, Google can lead students directly to your course catalog. Here are some tips for taking advantage of this powerful opportinity. 

The Future of Continuing Education Marketing for Automation Success

The competition is closing in on all sides, funding is drying up, and yet more adults than ever are looking for continuing education courses. How can CE marketing move into the future with confidence in this tumultuous landscape? Learn about the fundamentals of how to successfully move your CE marketing program into the future.

How Big Should Your Marketing Budget Be?

There's no easy answer for how big a marketing budget should be. However, that doesn't mean that it should be an arbitrary decision. Read our blog post on the topic of how to determine the best way to decide on your yearly marketing spend. 

Why Google+ Is Important For Your Online Marketing

Google+ is now the 2nd largest social network in the world.  Google is using it to help verify content authority, and it will have a big impact on getting ranked in search engines.  Some are saying those that don't get on board are destined for irrelevance.  We've outlined some very real reasons why you need a Google+ profile and business page to help your online marketing effectiveness.

Marketers’ Big Dilemma in 2013: Content

The majority of marketers will be increasing their spend on content marketing in 2013.  Content is not just important, and it's not just king.  Content is Essential in 2013.  You need it for every aspect of online marketing.


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